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April 20, 2020: "Campaign to make workers feel welcome in housing estates"
Oct 20, 2020: "Afternoon of fun and games in campaign to welcome migrant workers to the community"
July 13, 2021: "Volunteer groups keep up support for migrant workers in Singapore"

July 4, 2021: "A sweet gesture: 2,400 baked goods to be distributed at migrant worker dorm in ground-up initiative"
April 23, 2020: "COVID-19: "Ground-up initiatives race to help foreign workers"

Dec 12, 2020: "迈入年底节庆季节 本地志愿团队为客工送暖" (Backyard Makan)

May 10, 2020: "一街之善助消除邻避观念" (Countering NIMBY-ism)
Sept 10, 2020: "Welcomes begin in our backyards"

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